A Co-Investment in Students’ Future

An application for career guidance has changed students’ life at Phnom Lork lower secondary school. “It is an app that is useful for students to define their personal goals according to their interests,” explains teacher Chab Bory. The Trey Visay…

Proud to Teach “Children with Special Needs”

Cambodian society often looks down on children with disabilities. Some kids just never make it to class. The Cambodian Consortium for Out-of-School Children project, however, has given these kids new chances thanks to cooperation between the Education Above All Foundation…

Battambang & Initiative: A Library on the Tonlé Sap

Action Education (AE), an international NGO, and its partners have created a library for children and adults in the communities of the Great Lake floodplains in Battambang province. Vorn Samphors, national director of Action Education, told our partners at the…