Overcoming Late Start: Sith’s Journey to Education and Dreams

In the Cambodian context, where most children begin grade 1 at the age of 6, Sith embarked on his educational journey at the age of 13. His unique story unfolds in the rural expanse of Svay Chek district, Banteay Meanchey province, where he resides with his disabled widowed mother.

The intricacies of Sith’s life were shaped by early adversity—his parents’ divorce at the tender age of 2, leaving his mother to single-handedly care for four young children. With no land for farming and dependent on shelling labor, Sith’s family faced economic hardship. Two of his sisters, initially receiving scholarship support, had to drop out due to the relentless demands of living. Left alone with his struggling mother, Sith became the caregiver, tending to her needs and sustaining the family by foraging for food.

Silent and isolated, Sith never experienced the camaraderie of community activities. His mother’s battle with alcoholism exacerbated their living conditions, further hindering any possibility of education for Sith. As other children embarked on their schooling journeys, Sith remained on the outskirts, a silent observer fearful of engaging with others.

In early 2023, the Cambodian Consortium for Out-of-School Children (CCOSC) intervened upon learning of Sith’s plight. Collaborating with local authorities, including the commune council, teachers, and school director, as well as monks, the CCOSC initiated a holistic support system for this vulnerable family. Family sessions were organized, the house was repaired, and food assistance was provided. Through counseling and support, Sith’s mother vowed to cease her alcohol consumption, recognizing its detrimental impact on their lives.

Thanks to CCOSC’s collaboration with the school director, Sith was enrolled in the first grade at the age of 13. The CCOSC project provided essential schooling materials, including a bicycle, a school bag, and writing books. This marked the beginning of the CCOSC project’s implementation in Svay Chaek, targeting schools in the Academic Year 2022-2023 to enhance access to quality primary education for marginalized and out-of-school children.

Now, Sith revels in the joy of learning and playing with fellow students, commuting to school on the bicycle provided by the project, and equipped with ample learning materials. His teacher attests to Sith’s determination, noting his affinity for Khmer language subjects. Sith’s transformation is evident—he has shed his shyness and fear, embracing friendship with peers and engaging in activities like football during breaks.

In the year-end rankings, Sith proudly secured the 14th position out of 33 students. Expressing gratitude, he acknowledges the unexpected happiness that education has brought into his life. Sith extends his thanks to CCOSC, expressing his newfound ambition to become a veterinarian, caring for animals in his community while supporting his family.

In closing, Sith advocates for continued support from local authorities and the CCOSC project to extend educational opportunities to other over-age or dropped-out children. His story stands as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of education, inspiring hope for a brighter future.

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