Living with a Poor Single Parent, Sreyya Never Ceases to Get Higher Education

Sreyya* is a 14-year-old girl studying in grade 6th through Damnok Toek’s Non-Formal Education project. She lives in a small rented room in Poipet with her mother and two brothers. Due to difficult family situations, her mother left Sreyya’s father when she was young and has not seen him since.  

In 2016, Damnok Toek staff met Sreyya’s mother through a community awareness session about DT’s Non-Formal Education (NFE) project. Of particular interest to Sreyya’s mother was DT’s full support with no tuition fees and the provision of school supplies. Sreyya’s mother later visited the NFE centre to learn more about the project and to enrol Sreyya.  

Sreyya’s mother runs her own small business as a hairdresser and sometimes works at larger salons in the market, where she often brings Sreyya for assistance. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the market was closed, and Sreyya’s mother was forced to close her salon to abide by government-issued restrictions. Although she has since been able to re-open her salon, the pandemic left Sreyya’s mother struggling to earn a daily income, and they still can barely afford food.  

When asked about her experiences at the lNFE centre, she said, “During the pandemic, my mother’s income was very little, and we faced food shortages while trying to afford our rental room fees and repay our debts. But, I am a lucky student and have received monthly emergency food support from Damnok Toek since 2020, which includes rice, cans of fish, fish and soya sauces. I get school materials too. My brothers and mum are pleased to get this support through Damnok Toek.  

“If I didn’t allow learning here, my mother would have brought me to work and earn money in Thailand. Now, I am in grade 6, and I hope I can continue to get support for secondary school. After that, I can find a good job and help my family. I plan to work in the army to protect our nation and border when I am older.”  

*Name changed for anonymity

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