Heng’s from the Floating Village on Tonle Sap

NHUL Seanghai, known as Heng, 12 years old, is a student in grade 5 at Bacprea Primary School (A floating school). His parents live in the Tonle Sap Lake area and are fisherfolk and fishing gear makers. His parents have a hard time making ends meet since there are fewer fish than before on the lake, according to Heng. Because of this situation, his family could not afford to buy enough study materials for him.

Heng said, “But now I don’t need to worry about this problem anymore since I received a scholarship. I got books, pens, a ruler, a bag, and other study materials. In the past, my parents needed to save up and buy me one or two book(s) per time.”

The Scholarship is part of an intervention from the Cambodian Consortium for Out of School Children (CCOSC) backed by Aide et Action/Action Education and Educate A Child. The consortium has identified and supported children in primary schools whose family’s livelihoods are affected by climate change. 

Heng promises to continue his study for his future. He added, “I like studying, and I always remember my parent’s words. They tell me if I want to have a good future, I must study hard.”

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