A series of events have been lined up to commemorate the milestone, with plans to continue protecting vulnerable groups and empowering them with education

Global organisation Aide et Action or Action Education (AEA), dedicated to promoting development through education, is celebrating 20 years in Cambodia with a series of events including the handing over of educational facilities, a partnership forum and education activities for students and communities.
Having started in Cambodia in 2003, AEA, which partners with the EU, was driven by a vision of change, equity and a particular focus on the most marginalised, becoming one of the leading educational organisations in the country. It works with local NGO partners to change the lives of countless Cambodians.
Internationally, the non-political and non-religious organisation provides access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalised populations, particularly children, girls, and women.
Established 40 years ago, AEA is supported by 50,876 sponsors and donors, and operates 103 projects in 19 countries across Africa, Asia and Europe, including France, reaching more than 1.1 million people.
Noting that education is key to development, AEA addresses inequity and injustice to “ultimately break the cycle of poverty”. It provides primary education, early childhood care, vocational training, lifelong learning, and ensures social inclusion.
“We are proud of the achievements we have made over the past two decades,” Vorn Samphors, AEA International Cambodia country director, said in a statement.
“It has always been an honour to serve vulnerable communities and contribute to the advancement of education in the country,” he said, adding that they are grateful to staff, volunteers, and funding partners for their critical role in AEA’s achievements.
Meanwhile, AEA said with the knowledge and skills it has provided to educators throughout the years, the organisation has contributed to ensuring a sustainable future for the next generation in Cambodia.
It has also provided significant material support, such as 30 new school buildings, classroom renovations, and the distribution of millions of scholarship materials while helping children, youth, and the local community fulfil their potential and follow their dreams.
Its partnership with the EU has had impactful cooperation, it said, sharing that a project implemented between 2003 and 2010 fostered a “thriving reading culture and laid the foundations for upcoming progress in education”.
“The partnership strategically used a pro-poor approach from 2011 to 2016 to support sustainable growth. An initiative aimed at capacity building, assisting local government officials, ran from 2019 to 2022,” it mentioned.
“Since 2021, AEA and the EU have maintained their partnership, encouraging equitable development and sustainable solutions in Cambodia’s coastal regions. Additionally, a programme implemented by Oxfam encourages fishermen in the Western Tonle Sap Lake region to adopt circular economy practices.”
Going forward, AEA is committed to learning from its successes and making the most of the expertise gained over 20 years, and that accessible quality education for all, by protecting the most vulnerable and putting the most marginalised at the centre remains their mission.
“To sustain development gains, it is essential to support community-led initiatives and to learn from local solutions going forward.”
(Article was published on Kiripost / Publication date 30 November 2023)