In the context of the Cambodian Consortium for Out-of-School Children, implemented by Action Education in collaboration with Education Above All’s Educate A Child programme, Krim Rosita sadly describes her daily journey to school. Every day, I go to school with a friend, sharing her bicycle. However, when my friend is absent, I have to walk to school. Sometimes, I cannot go to school at all as the way to my school is surrounded by jungle, it’s quiet, and the weather is hot in the afternoon.”

Rosita resides in Chhouk Kranhoes, a remote area in Chhouk Sor commune, Kampong Tralach district, Kampong Chhnang province. The youngest of three siblings, Rosita’s parents work as farmers. Currently in grade 3 at Wat Krong Primary School, Rosita faces challenges getting to school due to the lack of transportation. Usually accompanying a friend with a bicycle, Rosita must walk alone when her friend is absent. Desiring a bicycle for easier access to school, financial constraints prevent her parents from fulfilling this wish.

“I am so happy that Ponleur Kumar (PK) organization implements the Cambodian Consortium for Out-Of-School Children (CCOSC) project, which supports scholarships like study materials, cash, and a bicycle to poor students facing challenges with their studies,” Mr. SIM Samoeurn, the principal of Wat Krong Primary School, expressed.

Collaborating with PK, Mr. Samoeurn actively participated in screening and selecting Out-of-School Children (OOSC) for the project, offering study materials, cash, and bicycles. The CCOSC project’s school accountability audits identified the need for bicycles for OOSC at Wat Krong Primary School, integrating it into the Commune Investment Plan (CIP) of Chhouk Sor commune. Recognizing the challenges faced by Rosita and four other OOSCs without bicycles, Chhouk Sor commune councils decided to allocate $100 from their commune fund to contribute to Wat Krong Primary School for purchasing five bicycles.

“We, Chhouk Sor commune councils, have seen the difficulty and the need of having bicycles for the poor students in accessing school, so we decided to allocate our commune fund at the amount of $100 as a contribution to Wat Krong Primary School for purchasing five bicycles for five poor students,” said Mr. Matt Panha, Chhouk Sor commune leader.
Now, thanks to the support of the CCOSC project and the contribution from Chhouk Sor commune, Rosita has received a bicycle, making it easier for her to access school.

“I am very delighted that I have such a helpful bicycle, and I am so grateful and profoundly thank CCOSC, donors, Chhouk Sor commune, and Wat Krong school for helping me and my family to have this bicycle. And I promise to try to study harder and go to school regularly,” said Rosita.