Mao Samnang was born on October 1, 2016, and is now 7 years old. He resides in Angkor Khmao village, Sambo commune, Samrong Tong district, Kampong Speu province. His house is located approximately 2 km away from his school. He lives in a family of six, with four siblings, and he is the fourth child. Samnang has a disability and attends an integrated class at Angkor Khmao Primary School.

Before starting school, Samnang had difficulties traveling to school. He also struggled with learning languages, such as reading, writing, and understanding sentences. Samnang’s parents admitted that he couldn’t learn like other children, and he was often afraid of teachers and classmates. In addition, he liked to distance himself from his friends and occasionally got angry with his classmates.
Thanks to the scholarships and study materials provided by Action Education in partnership with Education Above All, through its Educate A Child programme, Samnang was able to attend school. Samnang received a package of study materials, including books, clothes, bags, and other necessary items. The teachers also provide counseling and worksheets to the students. The government also supported the program that provides education to children with disabilities. Parents are encouraged to send their children to school. After more than a year of schooling, Samnang’s reading, writing, and communication with his classmates and teachers have improved. He enjoys attending school and playing with his classmates.

Samnang loves school, and his family always accompanies him to and from school every day. He shows respect towards his parents, siblings, teachers, and classmates. After school, he studies on his own and helps with some household chores when his parents are away.
“In the future, I want to become a doctor, because I want to help my families and poor people in the community who couldn’t afford medical fees,” Samnang said.
Samnang’s parents are thrilled and grateful for the support their child received from The Rabbit School Organization. They are delighted to see their child’s progress and are thankful to the donors for their generous support.