Teang Chanmakara is a 10-year-old girl who has learning difficulties. She lives with her parents and two siblings in Borey Kamakor village, Bek Chan commune, Ang Snoul district, Kandal province. Makara is an elder sister in the family. Her father is a factory worker, and her mother is a housewife. Makara is studying in an integrated class with other children with intellectual disabilities and autism at Koy Tep Primary School. Her school is 1 kilometer away from her house.

Makara has yet to attend school before meeting with RSO staff. She was found and enrolled in school in 2021. Before going to school, Makara was isolated and friendless at home, lonely, with no friends, and silent. She always plays alone at home. She did not listen much to her family and could not focus on doing anything properly.
After enrolment at school, Makara attended an integrated class with RSO’s teacher, who specialized in special education teaching. Makara was taught to write consonants, vowels, and a few numbers at school. Makara enjoyed learning in the integrated class and made some friends. A specific individual education plan is also applied specifically for Makara. Moreover, Makara has also enjoyed study materials, toys, and the school environment. She enjoyed playing study games and toys with friends in the class. Additionally, with the support of CCOSC, RSO managed to provide Makara with in-kind scholarships such as bicycles, study materials, and nutritious foods to support the family because they were poor.
Her teacher noticed her; after attending school, Makara has improved in many ways. She was happier to come to school and enjoyed playing with the other friends in the class and had many changes beyond expectation, She knows how to write the number from 1 to 10, and she can also match the number and the number very well. She knows how to take study or teaching materials, put them in a cupboard or storage room when finished, and help clean the classroom inside and outside.
Rabbit School Organisation, where teachers provide daily caring and teaching weekly assignments and counseling with children and family.