Aide et Action/Action Education (AEA) yesterday signed a Co-impact investment budget agreement of $327,165 with four local water suppliers in Kep, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk and Koh Kong provinces.

Vorn Samphors, Country Director of Aide et Action, said that the project aims to improve access to clean water in the four coastal provinces under the Educate A Children (EAC), financed by the Education Above All of European Union foundation and the Action Education (AEA) in a framework of cooperation with the Cambodian Water Supply Association (CWA).
This project will provide benefit to more than 100,000 people with access to clean water, including 6,880 children and 4,170 families located in the priority provinces of the project, he added.
He hopes that all communities in the coastal provinces will benefit from development in all areas. Authorities and civil society will work together to create opportunities for people to achieve sustainable development goals.
The Alliance for Sustainable Development and Voice for Social Equity (CO-SAVED) and the project “Together to provide opportunities for out-of-school children in Cambodia” have worked together in the field of education as well as the promoting people’s lives, he said.
The Alliance has previously helped more than 254 children in schools across the four coastal provinces, Samphors said.
The project provides support for out-of-school children to kindergartens, primary and secondary school children through scholarships, training and education programmes, he added.
He said that the project is co-funded by the European Union (EAC) and led by Aide et Action with the aim of improving the education and livelihoods of children and parents.
Lim Minh, Executive Director of Cambodia Water Association, said that through this investment cooperation, the people in the target area will have daily access to clean water.
This project is part of the contribution to achieve the Cambodian government’s water policy, which stipulates that by 2025, the urban population will have access to 100% clean water and by 2030 all people will have access to quality drinking water, he added.
(Article was published on Khmer Times / Publication date 24 May 2023)