Bridging the Digital Divide: Technology For All

The digital divide creates unequal access to education between children in the Global North and South. In rural Cambodia, students are often left without the technology and resources necessary to thrive in the digital age. No child should be left behind.

In remote areas of Cambodia, schools face limited access to technology, widening the gap between urban and rural communities. As the world rapidly advances digitally, these schools struggle to provide the tools needed for students to succeed.

One such school is Chroi Svay Primary School in the coastal province of Koh Kong. Despite the dedication of its teachers and the enthusiasm of its students, the school has faced challenges integrating technology into the curriculum, creating a growing barrier to quality education.

Co-Action: A Digital Learning Initiative

In response, Action Education / Aide et Action (AEA) has stepped in, sponsoring new equipment for the school. Through the CO-SAVED project, which is co-funded by the EU, we support coastal communities, including students and teachers with the tools they need to thrive in the digital world.

“The school commission, principal, teachers and students of Chroi Svay Primary School in Koh Kong thanks Action Education / Aide et Action that has sponsored 10 computers, one Asus computer and one LCD,” the school shared on its Facebook page.

This donation is a step toward strengthening the school’s ability to provide digital learning, helping to close the digital gap between rural and urban schools.

Co-Impact: A New Era of Learning

With the new computers, students at Chroi Svay Primary School now have better access to a wealth of online educational resources. They are better equipped to acquire valuable digital skills that are essential for their future. Teachers can more effectively integrate technology into their lessons, making learning more interactive and engaging.

By providing the necessary tools, we are fostering equality in education. We strive to ensure that no child -no matter where they live – misses out on the opportunity to succeed in the digital age. Together, let’s bridge the digital divide, both globally and locally. Every child, regardless of location, deserves the opportunity to thrive in today’s technology-driven world.

*Photos provided by Chroi Svay Primary School

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