A Young Woman Entrepreneur: “Follow Your Dreams”

It is a success story and it is not just about money. Yoeun Sokheng, a 41-year-old woman entrepreneur, delivers a motivational speech on making a significant contribution to society. She has chosen tofu to change the world.

Sales revenue for Sokheng has astonishingly climbed to $10,000 per month. Her secret? “Get inspired. Dare. Follow your dreams,” she advises. “Some people did not want me to start my own company. They thought I could not achieve that because I grew up in a poor family.” However, she proved them wrong. “I had nothing, it was true but I wanted to develop my own capacities,”

she says with determination. “I had to believe I can achieve anything I want through education.”

She is now a well-established and prosperous businesswoman in the Kampot coastal province but her story started in darkness. “I had nothing, zero money, and no good job,” she explains. She went through the most difficult times of her life during the COVID-19 crisis.

“I am a single mother. I have my little daughter, and at the time, she was just a baby,” she says emotionally.  

She had a small tailor shop but her income was not sufficient so she did extra work for a tofu company. “It was hard, but I knew. I have to do something. I have to be strong. I will stand up.”

A business training about cash flow and capital management was a life-changer. “The training gave me a lot of motivation to change my life and to start my own business.” Sokheng wants to thank the CO-SAVED project and the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia.

“I wish that such a great project with educational opportunities continues to inspire and to support other small and medium company owners, in particular, women who face challenges like I did,” Sokheng remarks.

She proudly declares that she became “the owner of a tofu company myself,” and this, she adds “through training and knowledge acquisition.” The development of her self-confidence and practical skills was of utmost importance to her. “I dared to start my business despite not having enough funding. You need great business ideas, a well-defined business plan, and the capacity to mobilize resources.”

Tofu to Change the World

Sokheng became a self-confident, daring, and creative lady. She had such a strong desire for economic independence that she generated jobs and opportunities for others. Her tofu company has now four employees. The impact of her perseverance and determination extended well beyond personal success and better living conditions for herself and her daughter.

While actual profit remains vital, socially and environmentally conscious businesses significantly benefit society. Preserving and promoting traditional and delicious food in Asia, such as tofu, can have positive consequences in numerous areas: economy, climate, health, and nutrition. Her product, tofu, has an excellent nutritional value. It is an affordable and tasty source of protein with numerous health benefits. Furthermore, tofu production generates far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than meat and dairy products.

This is why Sokheng goes beyond economic profit when she provides her customers with healthy plant-based foods and the option to shop locally, which is essential in the fight against climate change. The young woman is passionate about sending messages of hope to female entrepreneurs in Cambodia. “I want to encourage everyone to maintain the drive to work toward their objectives. If you stumble along the way, it is okay. Get back on your feet. Follow your dreams. We must strive for growth.”

She ends with a smile: “The way to success is clear.”

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