Heifer International (HI)

Heifer Cambodia works alongside famers and agricultural cooperatives to improve production and  increase living incomes through backyard chickens, safe vegetables, while exploring opportunity in beef  cattle and fish value chains. Heifer Cambodia organized farmers into self-help groups (SHGs) and  agricultural cooperatives (AC), enabling them to access new markets and finance to scale their  agricultural businesses. SHGs receive various capacity building training as a part of Heifer International’s  Values Based Holistic Community Development (VBHCD) model which is helping them to unleash their  potentials. Protecting and regenerating the environment is central to Heifer Cambodia’s work. Projects  at Heifer Cambodia are increasing food security, improving sanitation and hygiene, building agricultural  skills and investment, and integrating Micro-Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) into inclusive  agricultural market systems and value chains, while strengthening sustainable community development  networks at the local and provincial levels.  

Heifer International (HI)

Areas of Expertise

Green growth, Agriculture

Target Areas

Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Kep


Contact Info